Monday, August 1, 2011

Campfire Coaching

Here's an image from a few years ago...our hay shed burning.
Looking at this picture takes me right back there. The emotion I felt standing there is bubbling inside me as I write....(perhaps because my husband made an attempt to go in there and rescue a tractor; in spite of our firstborn trying valiantly to discourage him, yet ended up following him in there anyway...leaving me watching, dumbfounded, terrified and angry that if the whole thing blew up, I wouldn't even have bodies to bury...yep, that'll be why this image makes me a bit titchy!)

But that's not really what I wanted to tell you about... I thought of this particular image because I've recently been to a Campfire Coaching session with Mick Cornish. Mick very generously ventured up this way to offer his wisdom to our flood affected community. And he's got plenty of wisdom.

 In some ways, the "Campfire" seemed as big as this shed fire. Mick is a coach - business, personal, name it, he'll have something to offer. Now, I have to admit that had he not made this generous offer to our community, I doubt I would ever have sought him out. But I discovered so many things - had so many 'ah-ha!' moments - that I'm really, deeply pleased to have had the opportunity. Mick explored beliefs, communication, choices, procrastination...just to name a few. And I love his motto - "it's not what happens to us that determines our destiny, it's the decisions we make about ourselves in those moments when life happens". After a couple of days with Mick, I realise what a mighty weight of truth this statement carries. 

I'm trying to figure out what decisions we made about ourselves when this shed fire happened... I may need more time on that...but I do remember thinking (once my precious family was safe and out of harms way) it was a terrible pity we didn't even have any marshmallows!

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